Challenge 4 - User feedback form
Welcome to challenge #4! Well done to everyone who participated in the previous challenge, you did amazing 👏
In today’s challenge, we are going to build a user feedback form! Collecting feedback is really important when building user experiences - so let’s give our users the ability to provide their feedback!
Key things to remember:
Accessibility - as this is an interactive element that requires user input, accessibility is key. Make sure that the form is accessible not just with the mouse, but that users can also navigate using a tab button
For the rating, feel free to use numbers, emojis, illustrations, animations - whatever you think fits! I used the Teams emojis (you can find them here) 😊
Be creative - use some cool colours, backgrounds, borders or whatever you want! 🤩🦄
With that in mind, have fun and tag me in your results!! 🫡🚀
Your playground 👇